Cranio-sacral Osteopathy
Biodynamic Osteopathy
NLP coaching and Time Line Therapy®
Hopi Ear Candling
Health coaching
Tarot Card reading and Tarot Parties
Available treatments include…
Book your Osteopathic Consultation here
To see if I can help you (and see if we’re a good fit). If not, I will always try to suggest other more suitable alternatives.
Osteopathic consultations and treatments
Initial and follow-up 30-minute osteopathic consultations are available to book online.
Each involves taking a case history (or update of progress), an examination and is followed by treatment, if appropriate.
Neuro-linguistic Programming and Coaching
As a certified NLP practitioner and coach, I offer therapy that helps the conscious and unconscious minds integrate. I also can combine it with the Osteopathy and other modalities in the INtegrate Programme, one sorts the body, the other the mind, emotions and soul.
By using this form of treatment I can work on an unconscious energetic and spiritual level.
Great for enhancing the wellbeing approach to life.
Traditional osteopathy
manipulation (the “click”)
osteopathic massage
joint manipulation
balancing techniques
lifestyle advice
nutrition advice
exercise advice etc
How I can help in other ways
Cranial and Biodynamic Osteopathy
Energy work and Hypnotherapy
Health coaching
Life coaching
Online & offline courses and workshops
Introductory Offer
Introductory Offer
What is your burning question that you want answered?
Tarot cards are a remarkable tool and with an accurate reading they can help you to:
Understand your potential future
Help you to make decisions or take choices
Be aware of what obstacles or pitfalls may be in the way of making progress to your chosen goal
Recognise your existing strengths or ways to build on those that you have
Give guidance on time frames or actions to take
Give you confidence or reassurance going forward
Click the BOOK NOW button below to reserve your private consultation with Gayle Palmer which lasts for 30 minutes, either face to face or via video.
You will get a written report afterwards as well as the verbal reading.
TESTIMONIAL - S Johnson, USA - “It was much more detailed and accurate than I imagined. I was surprised.”
Ladies Tarot Card Parties
Why not create a ladies night and include bespoke Tarot card readings for each guest in the comfort of your own home? Create your future NOW.
Each guest receives a personalised, private reading lasting approximately 20-30 minutes - which they can then share, or not, with their friends.
T&C’s Max 6 ladies per party, minimum 4. Cost: Payable in advance - £350 for 4 ladies; £425 for 6 ladies. Distance to travel from Chichester 25 miles max. or additional cost for mileage and time.
Please contact Gayle at the Clinic for availability and bookings or message via the Facebook page